Andrew Marsh. Author | Speaker | Coach

Working with employers to get the best out of their Asperger’s employees.

Do you want to get the best from your Asperger’s employees?
But what if you didn’t know they had Asperger’s Syndrome? Are you treating them as difficult employees?

Here is a recent testimonial I received after giving a talk to an ADHD charity.

“Andrew provides great personal insight into growing up with undiagnosed ASD, and finally having a diagnosis in adulthood. He describes the challenges he faced in family life, his personal life, education and work. He does so with humour but the messaging remains clear and there is poignancy throughout.

He also captures the strengths and advantages that ASD has brought to him and can bring to others.

His story is an important one for us all to remember and tells us why and how we must do better for neurodivergent people.”

My new course can help your business. The 7 Step Program On Managing Asperger’s Syndrome At Work is now available.

Read more about the course and how it can benefit your business in my blog here

To access my course, use this link

PSA Scotland Speaker Factor 2020.

I was proud to win the PSA Scotland Speaker Factor competition 2020 with my talk titled “Revealing the Asperger’s Superheroes in your workplace.”

Here I am with my virtual trophy.

And here is my winners certificate.

#psa #thepsa #aspergers #autism #speakerfactor

Recent Interviews

Here I am having an in depth conversation with Amy Rowlinson about Asperger’s Syndrome and how my adult diagnosis made sense of a lifetime of not fitting in.


Hear me talking to Dave Pamah about Asperger’s Syndrome and the effects of lockdown.


Here I am talking on North Lanarkshire Live about how to manage Asperger’s Syndrome in lockdown and my writing.


Watch to me talking about my Asperger’s Syndrome and the challenges of lockdown with Fiona Wright.


Here I am being interviewed by Kim McLeod from Indie Authors World as part of BookWeekScotland 2020.

We talk about my writing, my latest book, Jack Janson and the Storm Caller and my Asperger’s Syndrome.

#JackJanson #StormCaller #giants #fantasy #magic #magical #youngadult #crossover


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